Do you feel overwhelmed with information overload—like you’re spinning in circles—wondering if you'll ever make a move abroad?

Ready for someone to cut through the clutter, guide you step-by-step, and provide the support you need?

Want to feel less alone on your journey and connect with a community of women who get you and your move abroad dream?

Then come join us in the Refresher's Lounge! 

It's your fast-track to moving abroad!

The Refresher's Lounge is your go-to community for women age 30+ who want to move abroad. Get the support, advice, resources and community you need to make it happen faster and easier than going solo. 

Imagine it as your VIP airport lounge in the middle of the chaos and overwhelm of figuring out your moving abroad. Our Lounge is your exclusive oasis where you can kick back, gather your thoughts, and get the support you need for a seamless takeoff into your new life abroad. Ready for a refresh? Welcome aboard!

The Refresher's Lounge is a monthly membership that gives you exclusive access to experts, resources, and community that will accelerate your move.

No more endless Google searches, wondering how to move abroad, searching forums for answers, or feeling like you're the only one your age trying to move across the world.

You don’t have to go it alone. Together we will help you....

The Refresher's Lounge doors are currently closed, but we're reopening in the fall! We'd love to welcome you. Join our waitlist to be the first to know when you can sign up.

Founder of She Hit Refresh. I teach women age 30+ how to move abroad—sooner rather than never. And over the past 6 years have had the honor of helping over 13,000 women rediscover themselves and reinvent their own lives abroad. 

There's a lot of spaces out there that claim they can help you with a move abroad. However, many of them are geared towards recent grads, twenty-somethings, and aspiring digital nomads. Not women like you, like me, who want to start fresh "later in life."

Women who can't just move abroad at the drop of a hat cause we've got real-world tethers and responsibilities to figure out. We've got careers to consider and futures to plan. 

I get it and that is why I created the Refresher’s Lounge; to support women like who want to finally figure out their move abroad. 

I moved from Texas to Spain in 2015 in my mid 30s. While I’ve been able to make my international dream a reality, it took over a decade of trial and error to figure out how to do it in a way that worked for me.

I tried—and failed—many times to find a way to live abroad: taught English abroad, volunteered abroad, interned abroad, did a masters abroad but none of these options provided a viable path to long-term living in a foreign country.

That is until the age of 35, when I “cracked the code” and have been living abroad ever since! 

I’ve been in your shoes before, staring at the screen frustrated that there doesn’t seem to be any move abroad option that’s actually doable. And now I want to share what I know with you, introduce you to my network and connect you with a community of like-minded women all so that we can fast-track your move.

The Refresher's Lounge doors are currently closed, but we're reopening in the fall! We'd love to welcome you. Join our waitlist to be the first to know when you can sign up.